Official Diggs Bar and Grill Volleyball Rules

3 games to 25 points (win by 2 points).

Rally Scoring

A point is scored on every serve; the offense scores when the defense misses the ball or the ball lands on the opposing side and vice versa.


All players rotate clockwise.  Players over 18 yrs are welcome; for every player under 18 on a team, there must be a player over 21 years old on that team.

6 Players

COED → No more than 3 men on the court per team. 

No more than 6 and no less than 4 players.

COED → Positions alternate male and female. 

Substitutions should occur at position 1 before that player’s serve.

4 Players

COED → No more than 2 men on the court per team.

No more than 4 players, no less than 2 players.

Positions can vary between gender, substitutions. Service rotation must be consistent.


  • Players may serve overhand or underhand.
  • The player serving must stand behind the back boundary line and remain out of bounds until the ball has left their hands.
  • There should be no service until all players are aware that gameplay is about to start.

Each player takes a turn as a server until their serve is lost by SIDEOUT of the opposing team.

4 player league: The serving rotation remains throughout the whole game. 

6 player league: The player in position 1 (back right) should be the server.

  • The serve must go over the net and land inbounds on the opposite side.
    • Serves that hit the net are still in play if the ball falls on the opposite side
    • If a service hits the boundary poles it is considered out and the play is stopped
  • No player is allowed to BLOCK or ATTACK a serve 
    • This does not include SETTING. Setting a serve is allowed
  • Players must remain in their starting positions until the serve crosses the net


The opposing team gets one point scored and is awarded a serve if…

  • The ball hits the ground inbounds on your side of the net
  • You touch the top lining of the net or touch the ground on the opposite side under the net while the ball is in play
    • Players may not reach over the net unless they are FOLLOWING THROUGH attack or blocking (ie: no goaltending a 2nd ball not intended to go over the net)
  • After your team touches the ball and it touches the ground anywhere out of the boundary line
    • If the ball hits any part of the boundary line it is inbounds
  • You touch the ball more than once in sequence 
    • A block does not count as a touch
    • A rough double off the serve is allowed
  • Your team touches the ball more than 3 times before getting it over the net
    • A block does not count as a touch
  • You LIFT or CARRY the ball

For 4 Player Leagues Only

  • No player may TIP the ball over the net
    • Players may use the bottom of their palm or a fist
  • Sets that go over the net must be set with shoulders SQUARE to the net
    • This includes backsets

What You Can Do

  • Kick the ball
  • Head butt the ball
  • Hit the ball with the top of an open hand
  • Touch the middle/bottom of the net with arms or body (as long as you don’t rock the net)

What You Cannot Do

  • Hit the ball with your chest while BUMPING
  • Block a set/tip that is intended to stay on the opposing team’s side of the net
  • A back-row player cannot jump in the front row when hitting the ball over the net

We will NOT be having referees at any games. We expect our athletes to play honestly and call their own penalties during gameplay. Unfriendly and unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.

Volleyball Terms

Attack: An attempt to end the play by hitting the ball to the floor on the opponent’s side; awarded for a spike, tip or block

Block: Awarded when a player thwarts an attack, deflecting an attack onto the opponent’s court for a point

Bumping: The act of passing the ball with the forearms

Dig: Successfully retrieving an attacked ball

Kill: A ball that strikes the floor or lands out of bounds after touching an opponent Set: a maneuver in which a ball is purposely directed to a spiker

Carry: A misplayed ball involving “prolonged contact”

Double Hit: When a player touches the ball twice in a row during a play

Tip: Placement or redirection of the ball with the fingers, AKA dink or dump

Ace: A serve that hits the floor or causes the passer to misplay the ball such that no player can make a second contact

Follow Through: Extending the arm throughout a swing to increase the force put upon an attack

Shoulders Square: Positioning the shoulders and feet parallel to increase balance, aim, and muscle memory

Free Ball: An easy return from the opponent

Sideout: When the serving team loses the rally and the receiving team gets the ball

Volleyball Court Positions